Join us for a virtual workshop introducing Community-based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) – Thursday, October 27, 2022 from 10:00am – 11:30am ET Registration
About this workshop
The Knowledge Equity Lab (KEL), the Toronto Centre for Community Learning & Development (CL&D), and the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) invite you to a virtual workshop introducing Community-based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR).
Community Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) is a“research approach that involves active participation of stakeholders, those whose lives are affected by the issue being studied, in all phases of research for the purpose of producing useful results to make positive changes” (Ochocka, Griffin & Lord, 1998, p.12). See background info here.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn more about this approach to research, and to connect with CBPAR researchers. We welcome community members, students, faculty and staff. Participants will be introduced to the key principles, ethics and methods of CBPAR through an interactive presentation followed by small group discussion to explore common areas of interest, and to practice formulating guiding research questions.
About our Co-facilitators
Isabelle Kim, Ph.D., UNESCO Knowledge For Change (K4C) Mentor in community-based research and founding member of the K4C Tkaronto Hub has over 20 years’ experience in community and international development, education and research. She has taught nearly 30 courses in research methods at the University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and co-developed and taught with Karen Villanueva, a course on community-based participatory action research at the Toronto Centre for Community Learning & Development.
Alphonse Basogomba, a Guest Lecturer and Knowledge For Change (K4C) Mentor at the University of Limerick, Ireland, is the founder of Buheri Consult a firm providing training and advice to individuals and organizations dealing with diversity and inclusion issues, and a polyglot, speaking three European languages (French, English, and Russian) and three African languages (Burundian, Rwandese, and Swahili).
About Our Hub
The K4C (Knowledge For Change) Tkaronto hub was co-founded in the summer of 2019 by the Knowledge Equity Lab at UTSC, OISE at the University of Toronto, community partners Toronto Centre for Community Learning & Development (CL&D), and Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC).
The K4C Tkaronto Hub is part of the global K4C consortium, which includes 22 other hubs around the world, including in Canada (Quebec and British Columbia), Ireland, Cuba, South Africa, Colombia, Malaysia and elsewhere.
Our collective goal is to enable transformative change by providing opportunities to learn about CBPAR (online and in-person) for students, educators, academics, community development and international cooperation practitioners, and to facilitate community-academic partnerships to carry out CBPAR projects. For examples of our previous CBPAR projects, click here. We offer accessible CBPAR learning opportunities such as virtual and in-person workshops and institutes training for communities in the Greater Toronto Area region and beyond.
To register, click here. Please note that registration is free, however donations are welcome to help support the K4C Tkaronto Hub. Click here to donate.
For questions about this workshop or more information about K4C Tkaronto Hub, please contact: Yannan Gu yannan.gu@tccld.org